This condition is very treatable, so let's get straight to these acne scar removal methods to assist you in your journey in finding the best products that caters to your personal needs.
Types of Acne Scars Cream
There are several types of acne scars cream. Basically, we can break them down into three types:over the counter (otc) blemish and acne scar healing treatments
The first type is creams that assist in the healing and preventing of permanent scars. This type of acne treatment takes time to take effect as minor scars do eventually fade when taken care of.When using these creams, you will not see an instant change or effect, so those products that claim to instantly remove unwanted scars are more than likely untruthful and a sort of scam. If it's too good to be true, than it's probably just that, right?
Many of these type of creams contain natural ingredients. These ingredients include aloe vera extracts which is known for it's healing properties for scars, burns, sunburns, and the like.
Another common ingredient is vitamin e which is found in countless skin card products. Yet another ingredient in scar treatments is green tea or (camisllea sinensis) which is believed to have numerous health benefits.
over the counter (otc) blemish and acne scar faders
Another type of acne scar removal cream is the type that fades blemishes by the discoloration technique. This type of treatment is more of a disguising of blemishes than an actual removal method.In my opinion, I would be very wary of these types of treatments (especially if it is an over the counter otc treatment and a doctor or dermatologist has not been consulted prior to use).
Everyone has a different make up, and thus we will all react differently to different chemicals and ingredients. Certain types and brands of blemish faders and skin bleaches may cause chemical burns and make scarring more visible and perhaps worse than what you started with.
If you do decide to use bleaching and fading as an acne scar treatment, be sure to read the warning labels and instructions on use very carefully. Pay extra attention to the recommended amount to use and time to leave on the surface of your skin.
Also, as with all treatments, be sure to make yourself aware of any dangerous side effects.
If you are worried and in doubt, do not hesitate to consult your skin doctor or dermatologist. If you do not have a dermatologist, perhaps your regular physician can recommend one to you.
doctor dermatologist prescribed acne scar cream
The third type of blemish removal treatment is the non-over the counter type. Your dermatologist can prescribe you a type of acne scar cream that suits your personal needs. This may be a fader or bleaching agent, or it may be a healing aid type.In any case, consulting a professional may increase your chances of blemish and acne scar treatment effectiveness, as they will be more equipped and able to find the best acne treatment for you.