
Acne Breakout Solutions

Acne breakout solutions are what many, many people are searching for these days because despite the popular belief that acne is a problem that only occurs during a person's teenage years, this just is not true at all. Acne can start during the pre-adolescent stage. Acne can last straight through adolescence and this problem can be carried straight through adulthood. The thing about acne is it may be very hard to pinpoint just exactly what triggers breakouts. Acne breakouts may or may not occur sporadically. Also, acne breakouts do not just occur on one's facial area...no, you can get pimples and zits on just about any area of your body including your back and chest. Now, from what I have seen and heard, many people view acne as a cosmetic and external problem. Thus, many think of acne breakout solutions as merely topical. However, many holistic advisors will tell you that they believe you can treat zit and pimple breakouts internally.

One topical acne solution that we discuss at this site is Proactiv. Proactiv acne solution is used by a lot of people and many have claimed that this product has been very effective at treating their acne problem. But does Proactiv work for everyone? In short, no. Our motto here at 20 Best Acne Treatments is to safely test the waters to find the acne solution that best fits your personal needs. So if Proactiv acne solution does not work for you, what are some of your other options that can help your breakout problem? Well, one thing that will help is having a positive attitude towards your situation...the glass is half full. What does having a positive attitude help with solving my acne issues? Negativity can cause stress levels to rise. And what happens when we start stressing out? Stress may trigger an acne breakout, among other problems. I am not a doctor or medical practitioner of any sort, so I cannot say the following statement with the kind of authority...but wouldn't you agree with me when I say that stress can wreak havoc on your good health? If you believe this to be true, than decreasing your stress levels may assist you in treating acne breakouts and can improve your overall health.

What are some other acne breakout solutions that may be incorporated to a person's daily health and beauty regime? Well, one holistic health treatment that is becoming increasingly popular is the use of natural enzymes. There are several major brands out there that manufacture plant based proteolytic, digestive, systemic, and fibrinolytic enzymes. People have claimed that the use of these type of enzymes have been an effective acne breakout treatment. I will not go into detail about how exactly the consumption of enzymes can help to treat acne for fear of getting something wrong, so if you would like to find out if enzymes are the acne breakout solution for you, go ahead and do some research on systemic enzyme treatment. I've read up on how systemic enzymes help with diseases such as fibromyalgia (some even claim that it cures it). I have read that one such positive side effect of the use of systemic enzymes is clearer skin and the disappearance of acne breakouts.

If you are looking for a acne breakout solutions consultant, the best way to go is to see a dermatologist because they are the professionals in this field. Just so you know, the information and the adviced that are written here at 20 Best Acne Treatments is in no way meant to replace the services of a licensed doctor or physician. The acne and pimples information that are place on this website is intended for informational purposes only. We sincerely hope you find the acne breakout solution that you are looking for.


Does Popping Zits Cause Scars?

I have noticed that readers have many questions concerning popping zits and pimples, so I decided to take time out to answer them. Does popping zits cause facial acne scars? Well, the answer to that it yes and no.

Zit | Pimple Size and Depth

Depending on the size of the pimple or zit in question, you may end up with some kind of scarring if you choose to pop it.

In addition, every person has a unique make up so there is no certainty on this subject. This may or may not happen.

Risks of Acne Scars

Acne in general alone can cause scarring, and popping them will increase the risks of potential scarring. This is a personal decision that one must make. What is more important to you? The short-term effect where the pimple will not be as visible on the surface? Or the long-term effect where you will have a rather large pimple on your face for a week or so, but there is a better possibility that in the future, there will be no visible marks or signs of where this pimple once was?

Well, most likely you already know the answer to the major question concerning acne scars. You are only looking for a possibility that you may be wrong. Ultimately, this decision is up to you, and I can only recommend that you think long and hard about what it most important to you personally.


Acne Scars Cream & Blemish Cream Treatments

Have you ever felt like hiding or not going out and being seen because you are self-conscious of acne scars and blemish scars on your face? Well, don't fret too much. There are treatments, remedies, and solutions for acne scars and blemish removal.

This condition is very treatable, so let's get straight to these acne scar removal methods to assist you in your journey in finding the best products that caters to your personal needs.

Types of Acne Scars Cream

There are several types of acne scars cream. Basically, we can break them down into three types:

over the counter (otc) blemish and acne scar healing treatments

The first type is creams that assist in the healing and preventing of permanent scars. This type of acne treatment takes time to take effect as minor scars do eventually fade when taken care of.

When using these creams, you will not see an instant change or effect, so those products that claim to instantly remove unwanted scars are more than likely untruthful and a sort of scam. If it's too good to be true, than it's probably just that, right?

Many of these type of creams contain natural ingredients. These ingredients include aloe vera extracts which is known for it's healing properties for scars, burns, sunburns, and the like.

Another common ingredient is vitamin e which is found in countless skin card products. Yet another ingredient in scar treatments is green tea or (camisllea sinensis) which is believed to have numerous health benefits.

over the counter (otc) blemish and acne scar faders

Another type of acne scar removal cream is the type that fades blemishes by the discoloration technique. This type of treatment is more of a disguising of blemishes than an actual removal method.

In my opinion, I would be very wary of these types of treatments (especially if it is an over the counter otc treatment and a doctor or dermatologist has not been consulted prior to use).

Everyone has a different make up, and thus we will all react differently to different chemicals and ingredients. Certain types and brands of blemish faders and skin bleaches may cause chemical burns and make scarring more visible and perhaps worse than what you started with.

If you do decide to use bleaching and fading as an acne scar treatment, be sure to read the warning labels and instructions on use very carefully. Pay extra attention to the recommended amount to use and time to leave on the surface of your skin.

Also, as with all treatments, be sure to make yourself aware of any dangerous side effects.

If you are worried and in doubt, do not hesitate to consult your skin doctor or dermatologist. If you do not have a dermatologist, perhaps your regular physician can recommend one to you.

doctor dermatologist prescribed acne scar cream

The third type of blemish removal treatment is the non-over the counter type. Your dermatologist can prescribe you a type of acne scar cream that suits your personal needs. This may be a fader or bleaching agent, or it may be a healing aid type.

In any case, consulting a professional may increase your chances of blemish and acne scar treatment effectiveness, as they will be more equipped and able to find the best acne treatment for you.

Acne Trivia - Acne and Facial Care Myths: 5 Fact or Fiction Questions

Alright, let's see how much you know about Acne Treatments & Acne Solutions.

Here are a set of five acne and facial care related questions. After pondering over the questions, scroll down the page to find out the answers.

Common Acne & Facial Care Questions

  1. Acne effects people in what age ranges?
  2. What types of food causes acne problems to flare up?
  3. Does acne problems affect only people who are dirty?
  4. What causes acne?
  5. True or False? Acne is only supposed to affect people who are teenagers.

Common Acne & Facial Care Answers

1. Acne effects people in what age ranges?

Well, acne can effect people of all age ranges. *Acne statistics show some very interesting information: In the United States...
  • 85% of people ages 12-24 have some sort of acne problem
  • 20% of adults have acne
  • 60 million American have acne problems
These acne statistics show that acne is not very uncommon.

If you suffer from acne, you are definitely not alone.

If you are an adult suffering from acne, you are also not the only one.

2. What types of food cause acne problems to flare up?

It is a very common belief that eating oily and fatty foods will cause you to break out with pimples. Is this true? Well, scientists cannot find any relation between acne problems and what we eat.

Perhaps it is a myth. I have personally found that whenever my diet consists of more oily and greasy foods than usual, I tend to break out with an extra pimple or two (although, I no longer have a consistent and active acne problem). Is this a coincidence? Perhaps.

Regardless of my personal views, the scientific answer to this question is NO. No, oily and greasy foods do not cause acne problems to flare up.

3. Does acne problems affect only people who are dirty?

Well, you're probably thinking: "That's a stupid question!" The simple answer is NO.

No, you are not considered dirty because of your acne problem. The fact of the matter is acne is not even caused by dirt. This leads us to our next question...

4. What causes acne?

The previous questions may have been fairly easy for you. You may not know the answer to this question if you haven't already done some skin care research. Well, here is a rather technical breakdown of acne and our skin:

The pilosebaceous unit consists of a hair follicle, sebaceous gland, and a hair.

Sebaceous glands are the glands that are connected to our hair follicles. Sebaceous glands produce a substance called sebum.

Sebum is what keeps our hair and skin moisturized. Sebum protects and waterproofs our hair and skin, and aids it in combating dryness and cracking.

Acne is caused when the pilosebaceous unit is not functioning properly. In many cases, the sebaceous gland is either producing too much sebum, and the sebum gets caught in the hair shaft causing a blockage. This in turn causes pimples to form.

Rather than concentrating on the technical and scientific explanations of acne and pimples, we would rather concentrate on just that...finding the best treatments and solutions to aid you in your journey to finding the product or remedy that best suits your personal needs.

5. True or False? Acne is only supposed to affect people who are teenagers.

The belief that acne is only supposed to affect people in their teenage years is another very common belief. However, the first question in our set of acne trivia already answered this one.

FALSE. Acne can affect people of all ages.

If the acne information wasn't thorough enough for you, feel free to drop a question or comment in the comment box below.

We, at 20 Best Acne Treatments & Solutions, will be more than happy to write articles based on audience suggested topics.


Ineffective Acne Treatments: Zit Popping Isn't Hot

Have you ever felt like getting rid of zit soooooooooooo bad that you were tempted to pop it? Well, most of us who've had zits before were tempted, and probably acted on that desire to pop the dreaded zit.

Is Zit Popping an Effective Acne Treatment?

Well, that's a tough question. It depends on if you're looking for temporary benefits or what will be best in the long run.

First, let's go over the temporary benefits as I'm sure many of us usually don't think about the long run first...especially when you've got a huge whitehead zit in the middle of your forehead or on your nose, and perhaps it's the day of your prom or a first date or some other significant event in your life.

Zit Popping Benefits

The temporary benefit of popping a zit is you'll most likely succeed in calming the swelling a bit, and getting rid of the nasty 'white stuff' puss in the surface. Yes, popping zits is effective in doing the former and therefore could, in a way, be considered an effective acne treatment.

Zit Popping Disadvantages

Well, you guessed it...the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages. Popping zits could potentially cause:
  • An infection resulting in a bigger zit
  • Permanent long-term scarring and cratering of the skin
Yes, zit popping is not doctor recommended and is considered a bad practice, and therefore is one of many ineffective acne treatments and solutions.

To Pop...or Not?

Doctor, shmoctor. When it comes to aesthetics and our appearances, we may sometimes feel like disregarding good advice. So to pop or not to pop? That is the question that will have to be answered only by the potential popper. If you must, please pop with care and caution.

Zit Popping Tips
  • Sterilize your hands, zit area, and the utensil you plan to use to do the popping beforehand
  • Consider using warm water as it makes the skin a bit more amiable
  • Consider using a small sterilized needle as they tend to potentially cause less scarring. It is believed the smaller the hole, the smaller the potential scar.